Meet the Talented, Matthieu Yamoum, Wine Director at The Baccarat Hotel

Nestled in the heart of Manhattan, the Baccarat Hotel is truly a symbol of elegance. This stunning hotel features one of the most exclusive Champagne selections in New York. The wine program is run by Champagne native, Matthieu Yamoum.  After all, who better to run the Champagne and overall wine program for such an elegant hotel than someone actually from Champagne, France?

Matthieu Yamoum, Wine Director at The Baccarat Hotel NYC

Matthieu Yamoum, Wine Director at The Baccarat Hotel NYC

Born and raised in Reims, Champagne, Matthieu studied music and science engineering. He left Reims at age 19 to pursue his music studies in Paris. Matthieu caught the travel bug and went off to St Martin where his hospitality career began. He initially started on the beach as a beach boy assisting guests with their needs, but quickly moved on to become a server and a bartender in the hotel’s main restaurant. He even found himself working in the kitchen, helping to prepare exquisite meals for the guests.

Matthieu moved on to work at some of the most exclusive restaurants in St. Martin where he learned his craft on the floor as a server. After four years in St. Martin, Matthieu grew bored of the island life. His best friend, Jonathan Sacy (currently the winemaker at Champagne Louis de Sacy), was interning at Monsieur Touton (a distributor of fine wines on the East Coast of the United States) and suggested that Matthieu visit him in NYC. Matthieu took him up on that offer and in the spring of 2011, he moved to NYC and hit the ground running, working as a server at the famous Cedric Bistro & Bar in Harlem. It wasn’t too long before he was promoted to manager. A year later, he went off to work at Bagatelle: “I heard the Champagne was flowing at Bagatelle so I wanted to be part of it.”

Champagne has always been part of Matthieu’s life. He grew up around it and with it. Whenever people find out he is from Champagne, there is that “WOW!!!” moment. He never realized how special his background was until he moved to New York.

In 2014, Matthieu earned a General Manager position at Barrio 47, a West Village neighborhood gem: “That is where I started moving a lot of Champagne. I love Champagne. I love selling it, spraying it and sabering it.”

Then one day, Matthieu found himself having a delicious lunch at the Baccarat’s Grand Salon with his best friend’s father, Alain Sacy, while in NYC for a visit. However, once they glanced at the wine list, they were immediately underwhelmed. Matthieu told Alain that his wine should be listed. Alain responded: “How do we do that?” Matthieu declared:” Well maybe I can work here!” He took matters into his own hands and contacted management. After 10 grueling interviews, he was hired as Wine Director at the Baccarat Hotel in September 2016.

Little by little, Matthieu updated the wine by the glass selection and added more Champagne on the list. “I think I have the largest selection of Champagne in the U.S. I almost have 250 Champagne references on the list” Matthieu proudly exclaims. The beverage of choice in such a luxurious venue is, of course, Champagne which Matthieu loves to saber. However, after his sabering injury in 2018 (65 stitches later), he is very conscious and only does it on special occasions.

Matthieu is the mastermind behind the Baccarat’s exceptional wine list. Not only does he know every single bottle in his inventory, but he also remembers every detail about every single reference. “It just doesn’t look professional, if you don’t know your list.”

Here are some of Matthieu’s favorite Champagne selections:

Charles Heidsieck Blanc des Millenaires 1995: “The Champagne I would love to drink for the rest of my life”

Rare Champagne Brut 2002: “I love Régis Camus” (Chef de Cave of Rare Champagne)

Pol Roger Cuvee Sir Winston Churchill: “I think everything they make is great”

Philipponnat Clos des Goisses: “That plot is the most beautiful plot in Champagne. The view from there is breathtaking”

Billecart-Salmon: “Everything they make is perfection”

Bollinger R.D. and La Grande Annee: “Bollinger is unique.”

Matthieu is a talented and lively individual that possesses a world of wisdom gained from a vast array of experiences.  In fact, he said something to me that really made a lasting impression: “You are the owner of your life!”  A simple, yet very powerful piece of advice.  We are all owners of our respective lives and it is on us to make something with it.




Reservations are recommended to lounge at the Baccarat Grand Salon & Bar, please book your table here or call: 212.790.8867.